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Submit a single proposal for eligibility in multiple HIMSS events and programs. One proposal, limitless possibilities.

HIMSS Global Proposal Submission Portal (GPSP) is available for new proposal and speaker profile submissions. HIMSS GPSP enables you to submit a single proposal for eligibility in multiple HIMSS events and programs. If you opt-in to HIMSS Global Catalogue, your proposal or speaker profile may be requested for content creation or speaking opportunities anytime. Submissions in the Global Catalogue "expire" after one year. HIMSS Staff have access to all proposal and speaker profile information and may reach out directly to any submitter(s). When requested, Chapter Leaders may access some proposal and speaker profile information- excluding contact information. Chapter Leaders can request an email introduction to any submitters. Submitters' contact information is blind carbon-copied in introduction emails. You can opt-out or request to be removed from the Global Proposal Catalogue anytime by filling out the Opt-Out Request Form.

Global Proposal Review Task Force

Since its launch in 2023, the Global Proposal Submission Portal (GPSP) has evolved in capacity and complexity. In 2023, the GPSP facilitated calls for HIMSS24 General Education Sessions, HIMSS24 Industry Solution Sessions, HIMSS24 Rome, and the Global Proposal Catalogue. The GPSP received around 1,100 submissions in 2023. Approximately half were completed and reviewed by the Global Conference Health Education Committee (GCHEC). A portion of the remaining proposals intended for HIMSS24 Rome were reviewed internally by HIMSS International Events Staff. The remaining proposals, approximately 400 in 2023, were not reviewed.

HIMSS Professional Development has seen significant interest in the GPSP since quarter four of 2023. Interested parties include, but are not limited to, Chapters, Organizational Affiliates, and Corporate Membership. Due to this increased interest, we expect more proposals will be submitted in 2024. The request to have reviewers ready to aid call for proposal organizers was made last year (2023). Professional Development understands the value of peer-reviewed proposals and expects the submissions made in 2024 will have a higher content curation to creation rate if they are all peer-reviewed. The Proposal Reviewers Task Force will be the impartial third party that peer reviews all content- excluding certain events/programs with unique reviewer teams.


Peer review Global Proposal Submission Portal proposals in a timely manner.


  1. All submissions peer-reviewed by three reviewers within two months.

  2. Monthly feedback provided on review criteria, content trends, process, etc.



  • Task Force Liaison: Brandy Arends (he, she, they) BS, CHES | brandy.arends@himss.org 
  • Task Force Chair
  • Task Force Secretary

General Task Force Members

  • 36-40+ members needed for optimal function.


  • All Task Force Members are required to review and score 2-4 proposals a month (~30 minutes) and attend the monthly meeting (1 hour).
  • 1 year for general members.

Members will be accepted on a rolling basis. A  letter of recognition and recommendation will be awarded to dedicated members who attend and participate in 80% of meetings and review their assigned proposals on time and thoughtfully.

Questions? Email Brandy Arends (he, she, they) at brandy.arends@himss.org.




Technical Issues? Questions, comments, or concerns? Email GPSP@himss.org